Monday, June 15, 2009

In the Jungle

Our cool weather continues to hold and makes our days so pleasant but it also means we really have to use our imagination to pretend we are in the hot and steamy jungle! Today was a jam-packed day making monkey masks, giraffe spots, our very own stuffed snakes as well as starting our Father's Day presents (shh - they're a surprise!) Miss Sandrea brought in some artificial trees and comfy cushions to make an "jungle book corner" outside.

Some of you were pleasantly surprised to see an old friend from the 07-08 school year back at school, Sofia is back for the rest of summer session! Say hi to her mommy, Carla, when you get a chance!

Just a reminder that Summer Blast is next week. There's still time to get your registration in if you forgot! There will NOT be any preschool next week!

Tips on making your own stuffed snake: start from the skinny end (the tail) and push small bits of stuffing down the tie (a dowel or chopstick is a great tool to use). Do not stuff the tie too full. Some like to leave the head (pointed end) flat or just lightly stuffed. If necessary, repair seams and stitch the end of the tail to keep stuffing in. When the tie is stuffed, fold over the head and stitch or glue down. Glue on googly eyes and a felt tongue. Decorate with a ribbon tied around its neck. Great way to use up old ties!

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